Talk School is offering an innovative intensive program that has been achieving significant results in other parts of the country. 

Therasuit has allowed children with neuromuscular disorders to accelerate their progress in the development of motor skills. TheraSuit develops strength, control of movement, balance and coordination. The Therasuit’s effectiveness is proved by the dramatic progress of hundreds of children and adults. The Therasuit program (Therasuit plus Universal Exercise Unit) is becoming a standard of treatment for neurological and sensory disorders. 

Various sensory inputs are achieved through the system of elastic rubber bands. The elastic bands align the patient’s body as close to normal as possible, which restores posture and proper function of postural muscles. This then allows the patient to learn (or re-learn) proper patterns of movement. Deep proprioception is attained from joints, ligament and muscles as the patient’s body is loaded with very specific and unique pressure from the postural alignment. The Therasuit also influences the vestibular system and provides tactile stimulation all over the body. These sensory inputs help restore nervous system function. Specific and precise placement of the elastic bands can also help normalize tone during postural changes, achieving a more relaxed and upright posture. When the elastic bands are placed in a way to enable proper alignment, the entire body moves back over one’s heels and into a more vertical position. This shifts the center of gravity back between the feet, which results in a very noticeable change.


Therasuit Primary Uses:

  • Cerebral Palsy.

  • Developmental delays.

  • Traumatic brain injury.

  • Post stroke (CVA).

  • Hypotonia and hypertonia.

  • Spastic muscle tone.

  • Individuals with Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder who have motor planning and sensory processing needs.

  • Common areas for all the individuals using the Therasuit are low muscle tone and/or decreased core strength/stabilization.

  • Underlying this difficulty is decreased sensory processing of the tactile, proprioception and vestibular systems.

Therasuit Primary Goals:

  • Postural changes—body alignment with core stabilization for increased motor control of gross and fine motor skills.

  • Vestibular, tactile, proprioception processing, which underlies regulation, attention and development of muscle tone and strength.

  • Normalization of muscle tone (child uses more reflex patterns to move—we need to replace these reflexes with the proper patterns of movement).

  • Strengthening of the core muscle groups: Abdomen (flexion), Back (extension), Quadriceps (hip flexion), Gluteal muscles (leg extention; maintains the trunk in erect posture) - these muscle groups provide the ability to have a strong base of support and to walk smoothly while stabilizing the body upright.

Therasuit video

TheraSuit Before and After Video


Call us at 610.356.5566 or contact us for more information about our programs.